What If You Swallow Gum

Dec 06, 2016 · You’ve probably heard that, if swallowed, chewing gum stays in your stomach for 7 years. But is that true? What happens if you swallow gum? Is Chewing Gum

Truly Surprising Bubble Gum Facts That are Bound to Astound You. Bubble gum has been a rage among the youth for decades now. Here are some cool facts about bubble gum

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Chewing sugar-free gum might help you eat less. But to use this as a diet strategy would be to blow the findings out of proportion. Image Credit: Dreamstime Question

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A myth as durable as gum itself holds that the chewy confection sticks to your innards like it does to the bottom of a desk

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Ad Blocker Detected. We’ve noticed you’re currently running ad blocking software. The contents of this site are available for free thanks to the contributions of our

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Before you reach for another stick of gum, consider these gross side effects chewing gum can cause.

You probably pop a piece of gum in your mouth after a meal without thinking twice about the ingredients. But here’s what’s really in that sick of gum.

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How to Chew Gum. Whether you’re smacking it, chomping it, or popping it, chewing gum has a variety of benefits. It can improve your memory and increase alertness, so

May 10, 2015 · It may surprise you, but chewing gum can cause intestinal bloating and gas. Bloating is the result of trapped gas in your digestive system that can cause

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Almost everyone has swallowed a piece of gum, but few s have ever needed a doctor because of it. You might have heard that swallowed gum stays in your stomach for

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