Karate Uniform Patterns

2. The karate groups had to adopt a standard uniform. 3. The karate groups had to set up tournaments. 4. A black belt system had to be established and tests given for

Better Families Through Tae Kwon Do is a Martial Arts college located in South Miami, Florida.

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01. What is karate? What is the difference between karate and karate-do? Top of Page Karate is one of of the “martial” or fighting arts from southeast asia.

Martial Arts in Tampa, Odessa and Citrus Park offers classes in Taekwondo, Kickboxing, Haganah self-defense at our modern Westchase location.

Shotokan (松濤館, Shōtōkan) is a style of karate, developed from various martial arts by Gichin Funakoshi (1868–1957) and his son Gigo (Yoshitaka) Funakoshi

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Taekwondo was developed by major general Choi Hong Hi in Korea during the 1940s as partial combination of Taekkyeon and Okinawan Karate. There are two main branches

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Early names for karate acknowledged its origins in southern Shaolin quanfa. Examples include Ryukyu kenpo (Okinawan quanfa), toudi (China hand), and karate-jutsu

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A listing of the Chang Hon set of Tae Kwon Do forms with video clips, meanings of the forms and diagrams.

Tang Soo Do; Also known as: Dang Soo Do, Kong Soo Do: Country of origin: Korea: Founder: Won Kuk Lee, Hwang Kee: Ancestor arts: Shotokan Karate: Descendant arts

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Chinese Kenpo Karate Scandal! I’ve heard many tales of many martial arts that were, shall we say, less than honorable, but the one I heard about Chinese Kenpo

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