Dick Tracy Wikipedia

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Dick Tracy es una tira de prensa estadounidense, protagonizada por el personaje homónimo, quien lucha contra el crimen desde su trabajo de inspector de policía.

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Apr 06, 2013 · Video embedded · The movie “Dick Tracy” (also known as “Dick Tracy, Detective”) is a 1945 American pulp action film based on the Dick Tracy comic strip created by Chester

Dick is een verengelste vorm van de oud-Nederlandse jongensnaam Derk, Dirk of Diederik met de betekenis machtig onder het volk. Als Engelse naam is het de vleivorm

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Dick Tracy è un film del 1990 diretto e interpretato da Warren Beatty, liberamente ispirato al fumetto omonimo di Chester Gould, pellicola preceduta da quattro film

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Apr 06, 2013 · Video embedded · The movie “Dick Tracy’s Dilemma”, released in the United Kingdom as “Mark of the Claw”, is a 1947 American pulp action film based on the 1930s comic strip

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Cast and crew, reviews, user comments and ratings, plot summary, trivia, quotes, mistakes, and related links.

Dick Tracy is an American comic strip featuring Dick Tracy (originally Plainclothes Tracy), a tough and intelligent police detective created by Chester Gould.

Allies Tracy family. Dick Tracy – The titular hero of the strip. Born in 1909 (eight years after creator Chester Gould). In 1931, before even joining the Police, he

Expensive diamonds are stolen but before the thief can fence them he is strangled by ex-con Cueball, who then takes the gems and continues murdering people he

Offstage voice: Mr. Tracy, this is Mrs. Snide from the orphanage. We need to speak to you about the runaway you have been harboring. Dick Tracy: I did not hear

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